I Quarter 2025
See you at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona!
Visit us in hall 5 at booth 5K26
For the 12th time, Systemics-PAB will be exhibiting at the Mobile World Congress – the premier global event for connectivity and digital innovation. From March 3 – 6, 2025…
IV Quarter 2024
Systemics-PAB Receives Rohde & Schwarz
MNT Certificate for 2025
Systemics-PAB, a subsidiary of the Apave Group – a global leader in comprehensive testing services for the quality, security, and efficiency of telecommunications networks -…
Systemics-PAB Awarded Gold Medal 2024
for Sustainability Achievement
The company is promoting the reduction of pollution emissions Systemics-PAB Awarded Gold Medal 2024 for Sustainability Achievement…
III Quarter 2024
Systemics-PAB na II Konferencji Radiokomunikacji i Teleinformatyki
Systemics-PAB na II Konferencji
Radiokomunikacji i Teleinformatyki
Między 11 a 13 września 2024 r. przedstawiciele Systemics-PAB sp. z o.o. (grupa Apave) będą obecni na II Konferencji Radiokomunikacji i Teleinformatyki, która w tym roku odbędzie się na Politechnice Poznańskiej…
Further green advances at Systemics-PAB
The company is promoting the reduction of pollution emissions and use of natural resources. Systemics-PAB has chosen a green energy supplier…
Systemics-PAB acquires ISO 27001 certificate
Systemics-PAB acquires internationally recognized ISO 27001:2022 certification. This internationally recognized standard ensures that the company’s information security management system complies with best practices and principles…
Systemics-PAB named VIAVI Solutions Partner
Viavi Solutions, a global leader in communications test and measurement and optical technologies, and Systemics-PAB, a worldwide leader in the comprehensive testing of the quality of services, security, and efficiency of telecommunications networks…
II Quarter 2024
Lab project PL-5G introduced to Polish researchers
New 5G test laboratory will allow researchers and industry to deploy vital applications accessible via the internet. The consortium of technical universities and research units have created a test environment in the most leading-edge radio technology available.
RTMC’s visit to Systemics and Apave Group
As planned, during Systemics’ visit to Uzbekistan in April 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting in Poland a delegation from Uzbekistan headed by the President of TMB (in English RTMC: Republican Telecommunications Management Center), Mr. Ulugbek Shakirov…
Systemics-PAB bada jakości usług telekomunikacyjnych z wykorzystaniem dronów. Systemics-PAB examines the quality of telecommunications services using drones.
Systemics-PAB examines the quality of telecommunications services using drones. The need for such measurements arises because, as the altitude at which we use cellular devices increases, the level of interference with the channels and frequency blocks used also increases.
Systemics-PAB visited a new potential partner in Uzbekistan
As a follow-up to the meetings held at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Mikołaj Skipietrow, Systemics’ Management Board Advisor, visited Uzbekistan in April 2024. He was welcomed by the management of TMB (in English RTMC: Republican Telecommunications Management Center) and the Rector of Tashkent…
I Quarter 2024
Systemics-PAB is proud to share it has joined the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as an Associate member of the ITU Development Sector
(ITU-D) Study Group 2 (SG2).
Systemics-PAB is proud to share it has joined the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as an Associate member of the ITU Development Sector (ITU-D) Study Group 2 (SG2).
Krajowe laboratorium sieci i usług 5G
Systemics-PAB dostarczył elementy infrastruktury 4G/5G dla zakresu N77 (sieci prywatne) w ramach projektu realizowanego przez konsorcjum uczelni technicznych oraz instytucji naukowo-badawczych.
Mobile World Congress – Systemics-PAB booth, 7G60
Mobile World Congress – invitation to Systemics-PAB booth, 7G60
We help telecommunications operators, infrastructure and private network providers, and regulators understand and solve issues affecting quality in mobile and fixed networks. We also cover network security and the deployment of private 5G mobile networks.
IV Quarter 2023
After joining the Apave Group in July 2023 we are pleased to announce another important step in this process: Systemics-PAB new branding and logo.
After joining the Apave Group in July 2023 we are pleased to announce another important step in this process: Systemics-PAB new branding and logo.
Systemics-PAB is expanding into the TIC sector – Testing, Inspection, Certification
In September Systemics-PAB hosted its new investor Apave International represented by Aurelien Le Blan, Director for Europe&Middle East who was interviewed by the national business daily Puls Biznesu.
Systemics-PAB was the main Sponsor of KRiT telecom conference, 20-22 September 2023 in Kraków Poland
Systemics-PAB is the main sponsor and speaker at the National Conference on Telecommunications “KRiT 2023” will be held at the facility of the AGH University of Technology in Kraków, Poland on 20-22 September. The company sessions will be related to 5G Private Networks Development and GNSS simulations…
Inżynier ds. analiz sieci mobilnych 4G/5G
Systemics-PAB Sp. z o.o. działa na rynku od 1990 roku. Specjalnością firmy są pomiary jakości sieci teleinformatycznych. Wykonujemy usługi w całej Europie oraz na Bliskim Wschodzie dla czołowych operatorów m.in. Orange, T-Mobile, Vodafone.
The Apave Group pushes ahead with its international growth strategy with the acquisition of Systemics-PAB
Apave, an international group with over 150 years of experience, specialising in the management of technical, environmental, human and digital risks, today announced the acquisition of Systemics-PAB, a major European player in the telecommunications sector, specialising…
Jaka jest dostępność zadawalającej jakości usług
w polskich sieciach komórkowych na obszarach pozamiejskich?
Sprawa niedostępności usług lub ich dostępności ze słabą jakością jest od wielu lat tematem dyskusji nad sposobami ograniczenia obszarów wykluczenia cyfrowego. Konsultacje publiczne przed aukcją na rezerwację częstotliwości dla sieci 5G w paśmie 3,6GHz również poruszają ten temat…
Jakość usług sieci komórkowych na wybranych obszarach pozamiejskich w Polsce.
Jaką jakość usług oferują sieci komórkowe na obszarach pozamiejskich
Telefonia komórkowa obecna jest w naszym życiu od 1996 roku. Przyzwyczailiśmy się do korzystania z jej możliwości i oczekujemy, że będzie dostępna wszędzie tam gdzie jesteśmy….
Systemics-PAB awarded the Gold Medal
in Sustainability assessment 2023.
Systemics-PAB has obtained a total score of 72/100, placing it among the top 5 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the telecommunications industry.
This fantastic result shows the company’s commitment to sustainable growth and acknowledges our employees’ efforts and passion on the way to supporting a better…
Systemics-PAB is part of the IMMINENCE – international project to develop intelligent network management and control functions techniques.
The aim of the project is to develop intelligent network management and control functions techniques, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) mechanisms for future mobile networks autonomous…
NetQRadar – A Fully Featured Active Testing Solution from Systemics-PAB
Systemics-PAB NetQ RADAR – an active testing solution- allows operators to assess the quality of experience QoE and the quality of service QoS rendered to subscribers in the home network and while roaming…
Systemics-PAB at GSMA MWC Barcelona 2023 – the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event
Taking place from Monday 27th February to Thursday 2nd March 2023, MWC Barcelona will bring the latest innovations, developments and products from the communications and technology market…
Systemics-PAB event – private network solutions
and market trends
Serdecznie zapraszamy na pokaz działania kompaktowego zestawu “5G Private Networks” oraz prezentacje rozwiązań dla środowiska akademickiego z zakresu testowania i bezpieczeństwa oraz trendów w sieciach telekomunikacyjnych…
The 2022 Mobile Network Test in Romania – the highest results achieved by Orange
Systemics-PAB started Orange DSBO 2021 network measurements and assessment with 5G measurements included. These drive tests of mobile networks provide to Systemic’s customers tools for maintaining the highest standards of telecommunication services quality…
Systemics-PAB participated in NETWORK X (5G World)
in Amsterdam, 18-20 October 2022
Systemics-PAB has been an annual exhibitor at the 5G World this year to be held in Amsterdam as a part of Network X! . We look forward to seeing you at our booth # G20…
Systemics-PAB donated the Warsaw University of Technology with a system to monitor the network quality.
Laboratorium Politechniki Warszawskiej
wyposażone w kolejny sprzęt od Systemics-PAB
Systemics-PAB przekazał system pomiarowy do Badania Jakości Sieci Telekomunikacyjnych (m.in. skaner, telefony i komputer z oprogramowaniem), który zastąpi wyposażenie przekazane kilka lat temu do laboratoriów Instytutu Radioelektroniki i Technik Multimedialnych Politechniki Warszawskiej…
The 2022 Mobile Network Test in Slovakia
– the highest results achieved by Orange
Systemics-PAB started Orange DSBO 2022 network measurements and assessment. These drive tests of mobile networks provide to Systemic’s customers tools for maintaining the highest standards of telecommunication services quality and customer experience when using the network…
Systemics-PAB is the main Sponsor of Multikonferencja, 7-9 September 2022 in Warsaw
Systemics-PAB is the main sponsor and speaker at the National Conferences on Telecommunications “KSTiT and KKRRiT” , currently named MULTIKONFERENCJA that is going to be held at the facility of the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland on September 7-9, 2022…
The 2022 Mobile Network Test in Moldova
– the highest results achieved by Orange
Systemics-PAB started Orange DSBO 2022 network measurements and assessments. These drive tests of mobile networks provide to Systemic’s customers tools for maintaining the highest standards of telecommunication services quality and customer experience…
Systemics-PAB continues annual participation in 5G MENA in Dubai, 31 May-1 June.
Systemics-PAB is excited for the event come back and new opportunities to address 5G topics related to the Middle East and Africa. We look forward to seeing you at booth #4. The company has worked with the number of customers preparing their networks…
Systemics-PAB at MWC 2022 shows its latest 5G testing and analysis services
To get the most out of 5G networks, they need to be properly configured, tested, and optimised for the best possible data performance. Systemics-PAB responds to these challenges by offering the knowledge in this area in the Interactive Reporting Portal, which can also be used for 2G/3G/4G networks…
Dostępność usług sieci komórkowych na Obwodnicy Warszawy
Raport z niezależnych pomiarów Systemics-PAB
Otwarcie tunelu POW odbiło się szerokim echem w prasie. Ten brakujący element trasy tranzytowej w Warszawie od dawna był oczekiwany przez kierowców stojących w korkach po opuszczeniu trasy S2 na węźle Puławska…
Systemics-PAB awarded the Golden Medal
in Sustainability assessment.
Systemics-PAB was audited by the independent organization in Corporate Social Responsibility area and received an EcoVadis Sustainability recognition Gold Medal and certificate! Systemics-PAB has obtained a score higher than 66/100 which places it among the top 5 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis…
News & Events
Systemics-PAB identifies Optus as the mobile operator with the fastest 5G network in Sydney and Melbourne
Systemics-PAB has conducted an independent survey of 5G performance in two largest cities of Australia. Comprehensive test of 5G in Sydney and Melbourne was carried out at the end of October and beginning of November 2021. In both locations the drivetest was carried out after the Covid-19 lockdown had been lifted…
Systemics-PAB identifies A1 as the mobile operator with the largest 5G network in Austria
Systemics-PAB has conducted an independent survey of 5G coverage in Austria. The comprehensive test of 5G throughout Austria was carried out at the end of October and beginning of November 2021 and included the largest cities – Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck…
Jobs in the quality management and optimisation of mobile network
Systemics-PAB Sp. z o.o. działa na rynku od 1990 roku. Specjalnością firmy są pomiary jakości sieci teleinformatycznych. Wykonujemy usługi w całej Europie oraz na Bliskim Wschodzie dla czołowych operatorów m.in. Orange, T-Mobile, Vodafone.
Gotowość sieci komórkowych do świadczenia usług 5G – raport z wyników badań w Warszawie w dniach 23-27 sierpnia 2021
5G w Polce to od pewnego czasu rzeczywistość, a nie tylko plany. Operatorzy poradzili sobie z opóźnieniem alokacji częstotliwości z pasma 3,4-3,8 GHz i stosując różne zabiegi techniczne uruchomili swoje sieci 5G. W zasadzie mamy do czynienia z dwoma sposobami zapewnienia transmisji w standardzie 5G:…
Readiness of mobile networks to provide 5G services – report on the results of the research in Warsaw, August 23-27, 2021
5G in Poland has been a reality for some time, not just plans. The operators coped with the delay in frequency allocation in the 3.4-3.8 GHz band and launched their 5G networks using various techniques. In fact, we are seeing two methods of providing 5G transmission…
The 2021 Mobile Network Test in Romania – the highest results achieved by Orange
Systemics-PAB started Orange DSBO 2021 network measurements and assessment with 5G measurements included. These drive tests of mobile networks provide to Systemic’s customers tools for maintaining the highest standards of telecommunication services quality…
The 2021 Mobile Network Test in Slovakia
– the highest results achieved by Orange
Systemics-PAB started Orange DSBO 2021 network measurements and assessment with 5G measurements included. These drive tests of mobile networks provide Systemic’s customers’ tools for maintaining the highest standards of telecommunication services quality…
The 2021 Mobile Network Test in Spain
– the highest results achieved by Orange
The benchmarking measurements took place between June 3rd and July 1st of 2021 on representative areas of Spain including cities and roads covering more than 50% of the population. The total distance covered by 2 drive test cars used was 11600 km…
Benchmark Measurements of 5G performance
in Dublin show Three as the operator with the best 5G network
Systemics-PAB, a leading provider of benchmarking services for mobile operators and regulators has conducted an independent survey of 5G coverage in Dublin to international standards…
The 2021 Mobile Network Test in Moldova
– the highest results achieved by Orange
Systemics-PAB started Orange Data Services Benchmarking and Optimization (DSBO) 2021 network measurements and assessment with 5G measurements included. These drive tests of mobile networks provide Systemics’ customers the tools…
The 2021 Mobile Network Test in Belgium
– the highest results achieved by Orange
Systemics-PAB started Orange Data Services Benchmarking and Optimization (DSBO) 2021 network measurements and assessment with 5G measurements included. These drive tests of mobile networks provide Systemics’ customers tools…
Systemics-PAB showed live its latest 5G testing and analysis services at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona from June 28th to July 1st
5G has introduced new layers of complexity in mobile networks. To get the most out of 5G networks, they need to be properly configured, tested and optimised for the best possible data performance. Systemics-PAB responds to these challenges by offering its quality of service testing and analysis solutions specifically for 5G networks…
Systemics-PAB completes Orange DSBO 2020 network measurements and assessment, and starts DSBO 2021 with 5G included
Periodic drive tests of mobile networks play a vital role in maintaining the highest standards of telecommunication services quality and customer experience when using the network. It also allows the assessment of the situation in the market as a whole and is one of the tools for stimulating competitiveness…
Systemics-PAB is going to exhibit and deliver a speech at the 5G World London 2021
Systemics-PAB is excited for the new speaking opportunities during “5G World, ExCel London on September 21-23, 2021.
Michał Majewski, International Sales Director will present „ Delivering the 5G promise – reality check in today’s 5G networks” and focus on…
Systemics-PAB uczestniczy w targach pracy na Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej w Warszawie
Tydzień Kariery WAT. Praca czasowa i stała dla studentów i absolwentów
How to evaluate the quality of mobile networks
Assessing the quality of services offered in mobile networks and their performance has long been of interest to telecommunications market participants. Among them, especially network operators and regulators, as well as trade media and manufacturers of equipment for measuring and testing such as Rohde&Schwarz and partner company Systemics-PAB…
Jak oceniać jakość sieci komórkowych?
Ocena jakości usług oferowanych w sieciach komórkowych oraz ich wydajności od dawna jest przedmiotem zainteresowania uczestników rynku telekomunikacyjnego. Wśród nich szczególnie operatorzy sieci i organy regulacyjne, jak również media branżowe i producenci rozwiązań do pomiarów i badania jakości usług…
Results and insights from 5G testing campaigns conducted by Systemics-PAB in 2020
2021 February 17th, Systemics-PAB, a leading provider of independent Quality of Experience benchmarking services for mobile operators and regulators, conducted various testing of 5G networks in Germany, Ireland, UK, Denmark, Spain, Poland, and Australia…
Systemics-PAB and Rohde&Schwarz reconfirm the long partnership in mobile network testing
The Rohde & Schwarz MNT certified partner program is based on defined conditions and obligations, and the certificate is issued or renewed annually. This certificate for Systemics-PAB is renewed and proves the company’s excellent expertise in the area of comprehensive professional mobile network testing…
Systemics-PAB supports regulatory agencies in the independent network measurements
Warsaw, February 10th2021 – Systemics-PAB, a leader in independent Quality of Experience benchmarking services and end-to-end network & service quality improvements, enhances its expertise in the market for regulators. The Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services in Serbia (RATEL)…
Systemics-PAB participated in 5G MENA Digital Symposium in Dubai, 22-24 March 2021
Systemics-PAB was excited for the new speaking opportunities about its expertise in 5G technology gained in the Middle East and Africa.
On March 22nd, at 12:30, Jan Kondej, CTO presented „5G readiness assessment – the tool for decision makers”…
Systemics-PAB identifies Three as the mobile operator with the largest 5G network in Ireland
Systemics-PAB, a leading provider of benchmarking services for mobile operators and regulators has conducted an independent survey of 5G coverage in Ireland to international standards. The comprehensive survey of 5G throughout Ireland was carried out at the end of October and beginning of November 2020 and included the largest cities, Dublin, Cork, Galway, and Limerick…
2020 Measurements of Mobile Services Quality on the Outskirts of Warsaw Poland
In October 2020 Systemics-PAB examined access to mobile services in areas outside the centre of Warsaw in Poland. The capital city is the largest business centre in the country, and many of the people who live on the outskirts of Warsaw or in neighbouring towns are now working remotely. Service quality tests were conducted in the five areas shown on the map.
The 2020 DSBO Mobile Network Test in Poland – the highest results achieved by Orange
Periodic drive tests of mobile networks play a vital role in maintaining the highest standards of telecommunication services quality and customer experience when using the network. It also allows the assessment of the situation in the market as a whole and is one of the tools for stimulating competitiveness…
The 2020 Mobile Network Test in Slovakia – the highest results achieved by Orange.
The periodical drive tests of mobile networks play a vital role in maintaining the highest standards of the telecommunication services quality and customer experience when using the network. It allows to assess the situation on the market and is one of the tools for stimulating competitiveness…
Systemics-PAB the main sponsor at KSTiT/KKRRiT 2020 conference in Lodz
Systemics-PAB was the main sponsor and featured speaker at the XXXVI Joint National Conferences on Telecommunications “KSTiT and KKRRiT” held in Lodz, Poland on September 17-18. The company session was related to the latest results on 5G network measurements in Europe. The featured speaker was Jan Kondej, CTO.
Systemics-PAB shares its expertise in 5G technology.
Systemics-PAB is excited for the new speaking opportunities during “5G World London” on September 1-3, 2020.
On September 1st, at 13:40, Michał Majewski, International Sales Director will presented „5G readiness assessment – what we have learned from testing the early deployment of 5G networks”.
COVID19 Update – At Systemics-PAB we take care and move on
Looking at the current development of the global telco market, it is evident that most people have switched to working from home. During this difficult time, good quality and reliability of telecommunications networks have become more important than ever…
Systemics-PAB enhances its expertise in the independent benchmarking for regulatory agencies.
The most recent and challenging project was conducted in Serbia – an extensive national benchmark survey of all three mobile networks operators in this country. The project was commissioned annually in 2017, 2018 and 2019 by the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services RATEL…
MWC Barcelona 2020
Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, February 24-27 is canceled by GSMA. However, we would like to encourage you to stay in touch and join us at next upcoming events related to 5G Systemics-PAB attends…
Systemics-PAB helps build 5G networks and presents conclusions from independent quality tests of 5G networks deployed in Europe.
Systemics-PAB helps build 5G networks and presents conclusions from independent quality tests of 5G networks deployed in Europe.
Systemics-PAB pomaga budować sieci 5G i przedstawia wnioski z niezależnych testów jakości wdrażanych sieci 5G w Europie.
Warszawa, 2019/12/23 – Systemics-PAB od 15 lat wspiera operatorów i regulatorów w zapewnieniu jakości usług telekomunikacyjnych w sieciach mobilnych oraz stacjonarnych i od początku zaangażowany jest w obszarze rozwoju i testowania sieci w technologii 5G…
The 2019 Mobile Network Test in Austria
In a test of Quality of Mobile Services conducted by Systemics-PAB in Austria, A1 achieved the highest score of 95.29 points out of 100, followed by Magenta (90.95 points) and Drei (82.69 points)…
Polish companies actively participate in the international 5G PERFECTA project.
This is why Systemics-PAB, Orange Polska and the National Institute of Telecommunications are working in particular on the following 5G PERFECTA project…
Polskie firmy aktywnie uczestniczą w międzynarodowym projekcie 5G PERFECTA
Warszawa, 2019/10/03 – Systemics-PAB, Orange Polska i Instytut Łączności powołały krajowe konsorcjum uczestniczące w międzynarodowym projekcie 5G PERFECTA…
Join us at AfricaCom in Cape Town
on 12-14 November 2019.
Systemics-PAB has been a frequent visitor, exhibitor and speaker at this key telecom event in Africa. We have the privilege to be the Silver Sponsor with a booth # B100.
Join us at “KSTiT and KKRRiT” in Wroclaw Poland
on June 25-28, 2019.
Systemics-PAB is the partner and speaker at the Joint National Conferences on Telecommunications “KSTiT and KKRRiT” focusing this year on IoT…
The 2018 Mobile Network Test in Australia
The country-wide benchmarking test of mobile operators in Australia ranks Telstra as the best network in the test.
Systemics Group has conducted an independent National benchmark survey of Australia’s…
MWC Barcelona 2019
Save the date to go to Barcelona on February 25-28 and discuss with Systemics Group how to reach excellent network performance, high quality voice & data services to your subscribers and clients…
Who offers the best roaming service?
Executive summary of independent tests of Polish mobile operators in the EU and beyond, conducted by Systemics-PAB between 13-31 of August 2018 that present the quality of voice calls and the performance of data transfers.
News from Systemics Group at the conference on LTE evolution and 5G strategy for Africa.
Systemics Group is going to take part in the conference on LTE evolution and 5G strategy for Africa.
We are excited about so much happening at Africa Com in Cape Town dedicated to 5G and LTE topics. …
Systemics-PAB – sponsor of the KSTiT 2018
Bydgoszcz, September 12-14, 2018 -Systemics-PAB was one of the main sponsors of the National Symposium on Telecommunications and Computer Networks (KSTiT) held 12-14 September in Bydgoszcz, Poland…
Orange Romania was scored the highest overall result for the quality of experience of mobile services of Romanian networks
Systemics-PAB performed the independent benchmarking test of quality of experience of mobile services in Romania in June and July 2018. The campaign included all four operators: Orange Romania S.A. (Orange), of RCS&RDS S.A. (Digi), …
Systemics-PAB participated in the KKRRiT National Conference on Radiocommunications and Telecommunications in Gdańsk Poland on June 20-22, 2018.
During the Systemics-PAB’s presentation the company indicated the necessity of comprehensive measurement services and tests of service effectiveness in telecommunications and ICT in the context of the planned implementations of 5G and IoT technologies…
Systemics Group participated in 5G World London
on 12th-14th June 2018 at ExCeL London.
During the event we will be discussing next generation monitoring, integrated analytics, and migration strategies to achieve and maintain the best quality of service covering 2G/3G/4G/VoLTE and now 5G.
Moldavian Network was scored highest quality of voice services
Systemics-PAB, on request of the mobile operator, Moldtelecom performed measurements of the quality of voice services in Moldova. The aim of the measurements was to assess how the optimization projects implemented …
Systemics Group was present at 5G MENA Dubai, April 9-10, 2018
Systemics Group was present at 5G MENA 2018 annual event in Dubai focused on 4G and 5G. During the conference, on April 10th, at 12:10, Systemics Group had a time slot on “VoLTE optimization” which covered…
Grupa Systemics przedstawia wnioski z audytu sieci komórkowych dla regulatorów rynku w Europie i na Bliskim Wschodzie.
Systemics-PAB, spółka polskiej Grupy Systemics, lider w zakresie usług pomiarowych jakości sieci telekomunikacyjnych i IT, przeprowadziła szereg narodowych testów porównawczych operatorów sieci komórkowych…
Systemics Group expands its expertise in the independent mobile services benchmarking for regulatory agencies.
The company has been conducting a number of extensive national benchmark surveys of mobile network operators in responding to the rising demand of regulatory agencies for network audits. The key findings conclude…
Systemics Group at MWC 2018 – what’s next?
Systemics Group was one of the biggest Polish exhibitors during the world’s largest Mobile Industry event MWC 2018 in Barcelona…
Grupa Systemics po MWC 2018 – jakie kroki przed nami?
Grupa Systemics była jednym z głównych polskich wystawców obecnych na największych światowych targach telekomunikacyjnych Mobile World Congress 2018 w Barcelonie w dniach 26.02-01.03.18.
Systemics Group at MWC 2018
Systemics Group has helped more than 80 customers in 40 countries to meet their network performance challenges. Prior to the upcoming MWC 2018 let us briefly introduce the latest and greatest from our portfolio we will be promoting during the event in Barcelona.
Mobile Network Test in Romania
Systemics-PAB performed the extensive benchmarking test of mobile services in Romania. The quality of services in networks of RCS&RDS S.A. (Digi), Orange Romania S.A. (Orange), Telekom Romania Mobile Communications S.A.(Telekom) and Vodafone Romania S.A. (Vodafone) was measured.
The 2017 Mobile Network Test in Serbia
Systemics-PAB conducted the first extensive National benchmark survey in Serbia of three mobile network operators Telekom Srbija, Telenor, and Vip mobile in October and November 2017. The measurements were ordered by the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL).
Systemics-PAB participated in the
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
workshop in Poland
ETSI STQM (Speech and Multimedia Transmission Quality – Mobile) Group had teamed up in Warsaw on November 21-22, 2017 to discuss new standard proposals.
Systemics-PAB at 6th International Conference on Quality of Telecommunication Networks and Services.
6th International Conference on Quality of Telecommunication Networks and Services took place at the Warsaw University of Technology on 23-24 November 2017.
The 2017 Mobile Network Test in Switzerland
In a test of Quality of Mobile Services conducted by the Systemics Group in Switzerland, Swisscom achieved the highest score of 86.81 points out of a possible total of 100, followed closely by Sunrise.
Systemics-PAB first joined the new Rohde&Schwarz Certified Partner Program
Systemics-PAB first joined the new Rohde&Schwarz Certified Partner Program
Join Systemics Group at LTE Voice in Amsterdam, 16-18.10.2017
Our mission is helping customers understand and address a variety of issues affecting quality in mobile telecommunication networks. At LTE Voice 2017, let us share with you how to build and optimize existing VoLTE network
The 2017 Mobile Network Test in Australia
Systemics Group has teamed up to conduct an independent National benchmark survey of Australia’s three mobile networks Optus, Telstra and Vodafone in August and September 2017
Meet Systemics Group at 5G Asia part of TEchXLR8 conference and show in Singapore, 02-04.10.2017
We present VoLTE optimization topic covering key items related to: Converting to all-IP services; Improving service quality and reliability; Testing, measurement and monitoring of VoLTE calls; Experiences from VoLTE deployment; Barriers to optimizing VoLTE customer experience.
Systemics-PAB is part of the 5G strategy for Poland
Strategy 5G for Poland – Systemics-PAB has become Member of the Council for 5G Poland that aim is to undertake actions in creation and realization of the “5G Strategy for Poland”. Company membership is based on joining the Agreement between Ministry of Digital Affairs, Office of Electronic Communications and National Institute of Telecommunications.
Systemics-PAB as the main sponsor of the KSTiT
Warsaw, September 15, 2017 -Systemics-PAB was the main sponsor of the National Symposium on Telecommunications and Computer Networks (KSTiT) held from 13th to 15th September in Warsaw, Poland. The objectives of the conference was to present the conducted scientific as...
Systemics-PAB is part of the 5G strategy for Poland
Systemics-PAB participates in the creation and realization of the “Strategy 5G for Poland” based on joining the Agreement between Ministry of Digital Affairs, Office of Electronic Communications and National Institute of Telecommunications.
Systemics-PAB participates in IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum 2017
Systemics-PAB participated in IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum 2017 held from 4th to 6th July in Poznań. The event, organised by the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers at the at the Conference Center of Poznan...
Systemics-PAB is the main sponsor at the KKRRiT 2017
Systemics-PAB was the main sponsor of the XVII National Conference on Radiocommunications and Broadcasting (KKRRiT) held from 21st to 23rd June in Poznań.
Systemics Group offer for the Next/Gen networks
Systemics Group participates in 5G World part of TechXLR8 conference and show in London, 13-15.06 2017
Systemics Group Meets the Demands of Tomorrow’s Networks
Systemics Group participated in 5G MENA leading conference in Dubai, 30.04-02.05 2017, UAE.
Solutions for all your roaming needs – not just Roaming and IDD
Systemics-PAB and Nexus Telecom, part of Systemics Group participate in GSMA WAS#5 in Macau, 27-30 March 2017, China.
Mobile World Congress 2017 – Systemics Group at a Glance
MWC in Barcelona is the world’s largest mobile industry event. This year it lasted from February 27th to March 2nd…
Systemics-PAB has certified Orange the best network in Moldova
Press release from Orange Moldova – February 10, 2017
Commsquare has joined Systemics Group
Commsquare has joined Systemics Group
Join Systemics Group in Barcelona MWC – hall nr 6 stand J28
Book your calendar for 27 February – 2 March for Mobile World Congress…
How is LTE developing in Africa?
Co-located with AfricaCom, LTE Africa provides the global…
Meet us at GSMA WAS#4 in Dublin, 31 October-3 November
Plan to visit this event to learn on how Roaming and Interconnect Solution…
Plan and meet us at VoLTE in London, 10-12 October
VoLTE deployment, roaming and interoperability, QoE and the…
Systemics-PAB is the main sponsor at the KSTiT 2016
The Thirty Second National Symposium on Telecommunications will be held…
5G Network Testing with Systemics-PAB in Poznań, Poland
The Thirteenth International Symposium on Wireless…
NetQPro, a new polish company has joint the Systemics Group
NetQPro covers RAN monitoring to better serve mobile operators in…
Mobile Network Measurements in Albania
Systemics-PAB has been involved to measure quality of mobile networks…
Systemics-PAB speaks up in London at 5G Summit
Systemics-PAB educates operators, vendors and consumer prior to 5G…
Systemics-PAB among LTE leaders in the Middle East
Systemics-PAB among LTE leaders in the Middle East
In front of Cable Operators at FORTEL in Łódź, Poland
13-16 March 2016 Systemics-PAB and its partner Metaswitch have…
In the middle of world’s biggest mobile event MWC Barcelona
In the middle of world’s biggest mobile event MWC Barcelona.
First independent benchmarking campaign in Poland
December 2015 Systemics-PAB performed independent…